Day 1: One Gear Daily

This is the first time I’ve started to actually log my performance. Well, first time beyond the usual Strava stats.

I always find this hard. The exercise logging part.

Intermitten fasting and exercise has become such a huge part of my life that I don’t even think about it much.

I just do it.
Roll on son, I cos’ don’t think about it.

Well, maybe I still fret about the hills, what gear or bike to sit on, and how long it will take for me to get back in time to pick up the kids from school.

Hills pay the bills.

Cos’ honestly I’ve gone from hating hills like death to hunting them down with passion. Six percent this, nine percent that – its all gravy as long as I don’t stop.

So yea, here we go loco. I’ve decided to actually start cataloguing my performance with Dianne, and more importantly logging my weight loss journey and muscle growth.

Fat. In public.
Logging fat loss in public.

It still feels strange to even think about it.
Strager still, that you’re reading this.

But hey-ho, hills pay the bills.

I still remember Christmas 2018. 115kg’s pushing towards 118 – 120kg’s after boxing day and on the eve of the usual New Year resolutions, which at the time – had always previoulsy resulted in failure. That was before I met Lucy, and everything changed from that point.

Failure. That painful word that’s always the cousin of Fear.
So I ripped the shit out of Fear, and chose Hope – the honest friend of Action.

See cuz, today I clocked 96.9kgs after my usual gym session. I feel bloated, tired but better. I’ve been down with a heavy cold for the last 3 days and off the bike – something which for me is very surreal given that Dianne is practically church, partner and lover.

So it all begins today.

Monday, September 9th, 2024.
Recorded weight: 96.9kg’s
Early Autumn.
Gear inches changed from summer spec of 75Gi (48×17), to Winter Spec, 67Gi (48×19)

I’ll start logging my training performance and will keep an eye on progress.
I’m having fun, so this is all a journey for me.

I’m loving the ride, so lets turn this bitch over one gear at a time.

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